2020 Annual Report
Our team at Red Thread embraced the opportunity to partner with the Arcus Foundation to produce, coordinate, and edit its video Annual Report to showcase achievements from 2020. Every year the Arcus Foundation, an organization committed to global human rights and conservation movements, amasses an incredible portfolio of accomplishments as it works toward the mission to better our world and the communities within it.
We applied our professional remote recording tools to film the Foundation’s CEO Annette Lanjouw in England and the Foundation’s Founder Jon Stryker in the United States, creating a seamless conversation despite the physical distance between the participants.
Three virtual panel discussions for the Foundation’s Social Justice Program, each hosted by a Program representative, included grantees of the Foundation who spoke about the work they do and the impact Arcus grants have on their efforts. When faced with the challenge of a language barrier during one of the discussions, Red Thread engineered English-to-Spanish and Spanish-to-English simultaneous interpretation which allowed us to live translate the virtual recording so that all participants could respond and interject in real-time. Red Thread filmed and edited all of the panel discussions to produce seven 11–minute deliverables for engaging and insightful viewing.
We also edited a video for the Foundation’s Great Apes and Gibbons Conservation Program, curating pre-existing footage from the Foundation’s media library to cut together a 7-minute piece.
In addition to our work for the Annual Report, Red Thread produced and edited an hour-long video for the Arcus Foundation that was shown at the World Conservation Congress conference in September 2021. Our remote panelists once again spanned the globe, from Cambridge and London, England to the Idu Mishimi tribe in India’s Arunachal Pradesh state.
State of the Apes Webinar
The endangerment of ape populations due to the global multimillion-dollar ape trade is a threat that the Arcus Foundation is dedicated to bringing awareness to in the hope of finding a solution to the devastating effects on these beautiful creatures.
The Arcus Foundation assembled 15 conservation experts to discuss the factors behind the killing, capture, and trade of great apes and gibbons, as well as what can be done to stop these threats, in a dynamic live-webinar discussion.
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Strategic Litigation for LGBT Protection & Inclusion
State of the Apes Webinar Trailer