As a strategic creative partner, Red Thread works with Hewlett Packard Enterprise to produce world class broadcasts and content solutions that amplify and extend brand messages, build the on-demand audience, provoke conversation, and always stand at the edge of innovation. Through digital extension and amplification, we help grow exponential viewership for HPE.
Our lead HPE client may say it best:
Jack Richard
Global Integrated Marketing, Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Red Thread’s holistic approach is designed to help our clients across their enterprise. The HPE Discover More Network was created for the entire HPE ecosystem to access content on-demand, wherever they are and whenever they need it.
For an overview, here’s a snapshot of our 2023 with HPE:
Kick off for HPE Discover 2023 Las Vegas
Core Red Thread team assembles and actively brainstorms Edge Live Studio. Red Thread presents HPE with an innovative live virtual production approach.

More than HPE Discover
As pre-production for HPE Discover Las Vegas continues, the HPE Storage Announcement broadcast is on the horizon. Our studio is a buzz with creative approach, content conversations with clients, tech planning, and collaborative sessions with internal HPE creative services team.

Showing up in the marketplace
Promotional videos for HPE Discover Las Vegas are produced for HPE social platforms and the HPE Discover More Network.
Simultaneously we are producing the opening video for the HPE Storage Announcement broadcast and the virtual production approach to HPE Discover Las Vegas broadcast is greenlit.
Show time!
After two months of pre-production, Red Thread is onsite at HPE headquarters in Houston for creative direction, scripting, and oversight of the HPE Storage Announcement broadcast.
And we kick off “Countdown to Discover,” two shows Red Thread will produce, film, and direct that will serve as pre-Discover programs designed to give attendees a preview of HPE Discover Las Vegas and boost attendance.
countdown to Discover
live streaming
Making virtual a reality
Set design begins for virtual HPE branded Edge Live studio. Content prep calls, show flows, and speaker determinations are in full swing as the programming lineup for Discover Edge Live takes shape.
We sign on to produce the Customer Reference Studio at HPE Discover, pre-production continues for Tech Talks, and Red Thread follows the sun to film HPE partner stories.
Meanwhile, “I’m Excited to Discover” video promos designed to drive registration are pushed into market.

set design
HPE Discover Las Vegas is here
After months of pre-production Red Thread descends on Las Vegas for show week. A team of 95 Threaders are in action. The virtual set is built in 2 days, 7 shows are produced in the Edge Studio, and reporter live hits from inside the CEO keynote fuel anticipation.
On another Red Thread set, 17 HPE customers are given VIP treatment during two days of sit-down testimonials. Elsewhere, ENG crews film event b-roll and hosted demo roll-ins, Red Thread is on the show floor directing Tech Talks, and breakout sessions are captured for on-demand audiences.
live streaming
Anywhere, anytime content
The buzz moves from the live event to on-demand. Dozens of programs are available on the HPE Discover More Network. In the meantime, themes and scripts take shape from customer reference stories captured onsite.

post production
the show must go on
Summer in the edit bay
Customer Reference video production continues. Once scripts are approved and graphic treatments determined, more than 60 customer reference testimonials are edited.
power house
HPE Discover Barcelona is around the corner
Kickoff calls for HPE Discover Barcelona begin. The team brainstorms show ideas with a fresh approach and begins outreach to sought-after industry thought leaders to feature in shows. Tech teams are solidifying, and production of an HPE Discover Barcelona promo video begins.
A stop in London
Content development continues for HPE Discover Barcelona. But first, a London-based “Countdown to Discover” pre-show is produced and filmed. The HPE Discover Barcelona promo hits the marketplace.
countdown to Barcelona
We’re in show month!
Show flows, interviewees, hosts, video storytelling, and writing is locked. The Red Thread team travels to Barcelona to load-in and build the studio, our on-site post house springs up, and the full team is locked in for 3 very busy show days.
it’s show time
live streaming
Let delivery begin
We say goodbye to Barcelona and hand the baton to the Red Thread post department for the digital extension and amplification of HPE Discover Barcelona on the HPE Discover More Network. Meanwhile, planning calls for HPE Discover Las Vegas 2024 begin to populate calendars.

365 days a year
As we begin our second decade of working together, Red Thread is proud to once again be a production partner for HPE Discover Las Vegas. Here are the promo videos we produced to kickoff the event.
Red Thread’s Creative Video Solutions and Event Content Solutions increase consumption across platforms and verticals by everyone from sales and marketing teams to the c-suite, customers, and partners.