An Immersive Welcome

Merck Vaccines

The project: Bring to life the mission of Merck vaccines in informative and inspiring ways for employees, customers, partners, and visitors to Merck Vaccines headquarters. The goal was to create an environment that allowed people to experience the impact Merck vaccines was having on global health. Passive and interactive environmentals offered a warm welcome to everyone who walked through the front door. The vibe was achieved through emotive photography and murals, inspirational and results-oriented quotes, and interactive storytelling in attendee-controlled video kiosks and touch screen tables. Our creative director went multi-sensory with the use of artifacts, displays of  innovations in packaging, vaccine delivery advancements, and proof points from healthcare professional teams in the field. Merck Vaccines was transformed from a traditional sterile healthcare office building to the home of a global leader advancing the well-being of our world.

High Impact Donor Event
The CNN Experience